Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 490 vacancies in the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police (UB)
Reference Point No. XVI of General Instructions to the Candidates’ of the advertisement issued on 11.04.2018 and published on 12.04.2018 in leading news papers in Assam for recruitment of 130 posts of Sub Inspector Un-armed Branch) in Assam Police, it is for general information that the Govt. of Assam has given approval for recruitment of another 360 posts of Sub-Inspector (UB) in Assam Police. As such, the total number of vacancies for recruitment of Sub-Inspector (UB) will be 490. Online applications from the eligible candidates who did not apply earlier in pursuance to advertisement dated 11-04-2018 will be received w.e.f. 23-10-18 to 12-11-2018 through Assam Police Website
Note: who applied earlier need not to apply again.
Nationality Candidates must be Indian Citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam.
Name of Post: Sub-Inspector ( UB ) UN- Armed Branch
Number of post: 490
Online Start: 23-10-2018 to
Last Date: 12-11-2018
Educational qualification :
The candidate must be a graduate in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent stream from a recognized College / Institutions affiliated to a recognized University.
Candidate should not be more than 24 years and less than 20 years of age as on 1st January 2018.(Candidate must be born on or before 01-01-1998 and on or after 01-01-1994).
Nationality Candidates must be Indian Citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam.
How to apply :
Applications must be submitted online through Assam Police website . No other forms of application will be entertained. A facilitation center will be opened in the office of the District Superintendent of Police in each district with a staff to help the candidates in submitting online application. There is no application fee.
As per post based roster, the category-wise break up of newly approved 360 posts are as under
UR- (For Male Candidates-203) ( For Female Candidates-87) = 290
OBC/MOBC- ( Male-49) ( Female-21) = 70
Total: 360
As a result, the overall distribution of posts for different categories for 490 (130 + 360) will be as under
UR: ( For Male candidates 249), ( For Female candidate 107 ) = 356
OBC/MOBC: (Male- 74) ( Female 31) = 105
SC : ( Male-06) ( Female-03) = 09
ST (H): ( Male-05) (Female-02) = 07
ST (P): ( Male-09) ( Female-04) = 13
Total: 490
The candidates who had completed graduation prior to publication of advertisement dated 11-04-2018 but could not apply due to various reasons, may also apply, however, the age limit for such candidates will applicable as mentioned in the advertisement dated 11-04-2018. Further, the following has been added in Para 3 of Point No. IV -Selection Procedure’ of the advertisement issued on 11-04-2018 If there are candidates scoring the same marks in Written Test as the last candidate selected for the PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) by the 5 times formula in a particular case, the candidates scoring the same marks will also be called for the PST/PET, and therefore the number may exceed the 5 times to that extent for that particular case and category only.The other conditions mentioned in our advertisement dated 11.04.2018 will remain unchanged.
For any query,the candidates may contact over landline number 0361-2970059 during office hours on any working days