Admission into the 1st year B.Sc. Nursing course in the 3 Nursing Colleges of Assam for the session 2018
The following candidates as shown in the category wise and college wise list, who appeared in the counseling held on 4th & 5tL September, 2018 and were selected by the Selection Board are hereby allowed for provisional admission into the 1’t year B.Sc. Nursing course in the 3 Nursing Colleges of Assam for the session, 2018.
The candidates are hereby directed to report for admission to the Principal of the respective Colleges along with their original testimonials, Admit Card of CEE, 2018 etc. on 13th & 14th September, 20L8 with the following conditions. If the candidates fail to get admitted within stipulated time, their allotted seat shall be forfeited.
- Candidates are to deposit the original Admit Cards, Marks Sheets, Pass Certificates of HSLC and H.S.SLC or Equivalent examination, Caste certificate etc. to the Principal of the respective Nursing Colleges at the time of admission. .
- The admission of the candidates are subject to the satisfactory Medical fitness certificate issued by the Medical Board constituted by the respective Principal of the Nursing Colleges. They will have to submit the agreement admission. r All admissions are provisional. within 15 days from the date of the admission.
- All admissions are provisional. within 15 days from the date
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