AHSEC HS Final Examination 2021, Assam Higher Secondary Education Council has released a notification Online form fill up for all categories of Examinees such as Regular, Betterment Chance, Reappearance Scheme , Certain Subject and other NIP Candidates etc. The Higher Secondary Final Examination 2021 is proposed to be held from the last week of February 2021
Name of Board: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC)
Examination Type: Examinees such as Regular, Betterment Chance, Reappearance Scheme , Certain Subject and other NIP Candidates etc
Date of Examination: Last week of February 2021
Online Form Fill up start: 1st November 2020 and the hard copies of the statements, fees payment challans etc. must be submitted to the council by the institutions concerned latest by 15th of December 2020 positively
Last date: 30th November 2020
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://assamjobupdates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/AHSEC-Notice.jpg” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]