Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022

Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022 – 3 Lab Attendant & Others vacancy

Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022 ADMac Assam Cum Deputy Director NERDDL Animal Health Centre, Khanapara has released a notification regarding for the recruitment of 3 Laboratory Assistant/ Technical/ Technical Assistant/ Field Assistant and Lab Attendant vacancy

Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022

1.Name of the post: Laboratory Assistant/ Technician/Technical Assistant/ Field Assistant  
Total No. of post – 2Nos
Emoluments: Rs.18,00/+8%HRA per month ( fixed )

Educational Qualification – Essential: BSc. Degree/VFA, 1 year training course Desirable:
i) Candidates having experience in laboratory work.
ii) Candidates having handling of animal sample and field data collection along with computer knowledge will be preferred.
iii) Preference will be given to those candidates are from silchar & Golaghat

2.Name of post: Lab Attendant
Total No of posts: 1
Pay: Rs.12,000/ consolidated
Educational Qualification: Essential : 10th pass / H.S. Degree
Desirable : Candidates having experience in laboratory work.

How to Apply for Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022
Eligible Interested candidates may attend the interview
For Sl no.1. candidates are requested to send application in standard from with duly signed latest biodata, 3 copies of passport sized photograph , attested copies of all relevant documents, NOC where applicable to the principal investigator ( on or before 28th February,2022. Hard copy should be produce at the time interview for those candidates applied through Email. Application received after due data will not be considered.

2.The hard copy of complete application will BIODATA , attested copies of all relevant document should reach to the office of the Animal health center, NERDDL, khanapara, Guwahati – 781022 on or before 28th February,2022 for both categories of SL No 1 & 2.

3. For Sl.No. 1 shortlisted candidates will be intimate by email and at the time of interview candidates has to produce the all relevant documents, certificates, mark-sheet, experience certificate original from for verification.

4.Age should not be below 21 year’s and not above 35 year’s on the 1st day January of 2022. Relaxation in case of women, SC/ST candidates as per rules.
5. The post’s are purely temporary/ contractual and co-terminus with the project. The recruitment will be initially for one year and will be extended periodically based on the satisfactory performance of the incumbent.

 Application form eligible candidates are invited to attend a walk-in interview for the two (02)  post of  Laboratory Assistant/Technician/project assistant/Technical Assistant/ Field Assistant and one (01) post of Lab  attendant under “Establishment of a consortium for one Health to address Zoonotic and trans- boundary diseases in India , including the Northeast Region “funded by DBT to be held on 14th March , 2022 at 11.00AM at Conference Hall , NERDDL, Animal Health Centre, khanapara, Guwahati.

Animal Health Centre NERDDL Assam Recruitment 2022