Anundoram Borooah Award Scheme 2019: The Education (Secondary) Deptt. Govt. of Assam will confer the Anundoram Borooah Award to the meritorious students of the State shortly. Under the Award package Anundoram Borooah Award citation in from of a Certificate along with Laptop Computer Internet Connectivity through 3G/4G device with 2 years subscription, Books on all subject as per NCERT course in PDF format and Digital content (2D/3D Animation, Audio/Video)
Who are Eligible for Anundoram Borooah Award 2019
who Securing Star Marks and Above
Note: The Students securing star marks and above in the High School Leaving Certificate Examination/High Madrassa Examination/F.M Examination, and Sanskrit Pali & Pravesika Examination Assam During the year 2019 are eligible for the Scheme.
To avail the award all qualifying students have to register online through the portal
The Application will have to upload the following
i) Pass Certificate duly attested and counter signed by the Head of the Institution from which the Applicant passed out in PDF file Format
ii) A self attested passport size photograph of the applicant in JPG file Format
Note: The Eligible candidates of Anundoram Borooah Award Scheme 2019 must Complete the online registration in time
Online Application form: from 6th-Nov-2019
Last date of Submission: 25-Nov-2019, 5-Dec-2019
[button color=”pink” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Click here to Online Register[/button]