Financial Assistance to the meritorious students

Application form for the Financial Assistance to the meritorious students, Awarding of One time grant

The directorate of Welfare of Schedule castes Assam hereby invites applications from the Scheduled Castes meritorious Boys/Girls students who have passed in HSLC / HSS Examination respectively under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council and Board of Secondary Education Assam securing 80% and above marks during the academic year 2020-21

Poor Meritorious Scheduled castes Boys/Girls Students
Qualification: HSLC and H.S.S Examination with 80% and above
Session: 2020-21
Amount: Rs.10,000/- one time grant

How to Apply: The qualified candidates may submit their applications as prescribed format to the Office of the Directorate of Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Assam, Sorumotoria, Dilip Huzuri Path, Dispur, Guwahati-6
Last date: Before 29-09-2020
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Application form format and Notification[/button]