APSC Recruitment 2019 Post of Computer Operator Typist,Child Development Project Officer total 17

APSC Recruitment 2019 Post of Computer Operator Typist,Child Development Project Officer total 17+73 posts

APSC Recruitment 2019 – Assam Public Service Commission invites application from citizens as defined Article 5 to 8 the Constitution of India for the under mentioned posts under Assam Government in scale of pay as indicated below.

1.Name of post: Computer Operator ( Typist)
Number of posts: 17
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to 49,000/- with GP- Rs.6,200/-
Age: 18 to 44 Years ( 3 Years relax able for OBC and SC/ST 5 years)
Education Qualification: Class 12th Passed from recognized Board/Council
i) Working Knowledge of Software tools i,e MS Windows, Linux, Mac etc. )
ii) Word processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Content of Data Base, Internet and E-Mail.
iii) Candidates must possess a Minimum 6 month completed Diploma/Certificate in computer proficiency from a govt. of Assam
and must have Computing Knowledge in Assamese and English Language.

Selection Process: Written Exam ( 100 Marks) and Computer Practical ( 100 Marks)
General English- 40 Marks
Computer Theory- 40 Marks
General Awareness: 20

2.Name of post: Child Development Project Officer & alied Cadres under Social Welfare Department
Number of posts: 73
Salary: Rs.22,000/- to Rs.87,000/- with GP Rs.9,700/-
Age: Not be less than 21 Years and not more than 38 Years
SC/ST- 5 Years
OBC/MOBC- 3 Years

Education Qualification: Graduate in Arts, Commerce, Science from a recognized University and addition any one of the following Qualification
i) Post graduate Degree or Diploma in Social Works/Labour & Social Welfare/Sociology/Anthropology/Criminology
ii) Graduate in Child Development/ Home Science/ Nutrition or
iii) Graduate having Philosophy/Education with psychology, Economics

Application Fee:
General– Rs.200/-
SC/ST/OBC/MOBC– Rs.150/-
BPL Candidates- Nill
Application Fee should be deposit only through Treasury Challan in Head of Account NON TAX REVENUE. OTHER NON TAX REVENUE 0051 PSC, 105 STATE PSC APPLICATION FEE RECEIPT OF APSC show name of post and Department. Original Copy of Treasury should be Submitted along with the application form

How to Apply: The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in Bold Letter in Envelope containing the Application form and Submit
Address: Deputy Secretary, APSC, Jawaharnagar, Khanapara
Last date: 06-03-2019 during Office Hours.
Notification-Click here
Application FormClick here