ASDMA Recruitment 2020

ASDMA Recruitment 2020: Finance officer

ASDMA Recruitment 2020- Assam state Disaster Management Authority, vacancy, Applications along  with prescribed Application form are invited from intending retired Assam Finance Service (AFS) Officers only, for engagement on contractual basis.

Name of post: Finance officer
No.of posts: 01
Qualification: Only retired AFS Officers shall be eligible to apply for the post

How to Apply: The application complete in all respects in the prescribed application form and along with testimonials should be submitted on or before 13.01.2020
Address: The chief Executive Officers, Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), Ancillary Block-I (opp, SBI Sectt. Branch), Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwhati-781006, Assam
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Application form & Notification[/button]