Assam Duliajan Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020 warden posts

Assam Duliajan Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020: Apply for 2 Warden posts

Assam Duliajan Oil India Limited Recruitment 2020 Notification regarding filling up of 2 Warden job vacancy, Oil India Limited 2 warden posts, Application are invited from Female candidates for Engagement on contract as Warden in the Student’s hostel of School of Nursing, Oil Hospital Dulijan, Assam

Name of post: Warden
No.of posts: 2
Qualification: Any graduate preferably B.Sc Home Science or Diploma in Housekeeping/Catering or equivalent
Age: 40 to 55 Years with sound Health
Experience: Past Experience of Warden in college will be preference
Salary: Rs.15,000/- per month

Date of Interview: 27-July-2020
Venue: Oil India Hospital Duliajan
Registration Time: 7 am to 9 am
Candidates need to bring all original testimonials for documents verification
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]