Assam Police Recruitment– Online Application from the eligible candidates (Those who passed HSLC or HSSLC as the case may be after the publishing of the advertisement issued on 25.04.2018 will be received w.e.f 23.12.2019 to 06.01.2019 through SLPRB website, however the candidates those applied earlier (against advertisement dated 25.04.2018) need not to apply again
Constable (5494+1168= 6662) Posts
i).Name of post: Unarmed Branch of District Executive Force (DEF)
No.of Posts: 1851+540 = 2391
Education Qualification: H.S or XII Passed
Pay Scale: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay: Rs.5,600/-
Age: Not more than 25 Years and not more less than 18 Years
Age Relaxation– Check Notification
ii).Name of post: Armed Branch
No.of Posts: 3643+628 = 4271
Education Qualification: HSLC Passed
Pay Scale: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay: Rs.5,600/-
Age: Not more than 25 Years and not more less than 18 Years
How to Apply: Application must be submitted online through slprb website from 23-Dec-2019
Online Start: 23-Dec-2019
Last date: 06-Jan-2020
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