Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020– Application are invited by the respective recruiting authorities as shown in the annexure I against each post from eligible candidates for the selection and engagement to the following posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks total 919 Vacancy
Re-Notification Filling up Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Posts across Assam in Re-opened with effort from 27-01-2020 to 09-02-2020 for submission of by fresh candidates as well as re-submission of application of fresh option by the existing applicant if desired who filled up application as per earlier Notification dated 05-08-2019 as per revised criteria of local language studied upto class X
Name of posts:
i) Branch Post Master (BPM)
ii) Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM)
iii) Dak Sevak
Total No.of posts: 919
Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
Education Qualification: Local Language studied upto class X, (10th passed )(HSLC), From recognized Board
Age: 18 Years to 40 Years
Salary: Rs.10,000/- to Rs.12,000/-
Apply Mode: Online
How to Apply: Only Online Application will be accepted from the candidate. Candidate who desire to apply Online will have to register himself /herself in the portal through or with effect from 27-January-2020 to 09-February-2020
Online Start: 27-January-2020
Last date: 09-February-2020
[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Apply Online[/button]