Chief Judicial Magistrate Guwahati Recruitment 2020

Chief Judicial Magistrate Guwahati Recruitment 2020: Process Server/ Office Peon/ Chowkider

Chief Judicial Magistrate Guwahati Recruitment 2020– Application are invited from the intending candidates for filling up the following vacant posts the establishment of the chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup Metro Guwahati.

1.Name of post: Process Server
No.of posts: 02
Scale of Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,500/- with Grade Pay Rs.5,200/-
Education Qualification: Minimum XII Passed
Age: 18 Years to 44 Years

2.Name of post: Office Peon
No.of posts: 03
Scale of Pay: Rs.12,000/- to Rs.52,000/-
Education Qualification: Minimum VIII Passed Max. XII Passed
Age: 18 Years to 44 Years

3.Name of post: Chowkider
No.of posts: 01
Scale of Pay: Rs.12,000/- to Rs.52,000/-
Education Qualification: Minimum VIII Passed Max. XII Passed
Age: 18 Years to 44 Years

How to Apply: Fill up his/her Application in Standard form as Published in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX along with self attested copies of all testimonials in support of age, education, other qualification etc. and 4 copies of duly signed recent passport size photo
Duly filled up application along with the signed with the self signed testimonials should reach the undersigned office or drop box kept within the premises of CJM Kamrup (Metro) Guwahati-01 on or before 04-01-2020 by 4:15 pm

The Application should be addressed to the chief Judicial Magistrate Kamrup Metro Guwahati and the Envelope containing the Application form other documents should be superscribed as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
The Eligible candidates shall have to collect their respective Admit card w.e.f 05-01-2020 to 18.01.2020 from the office of the CJM Kamrup Metro Guwahati during office hours
[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Standard Form[/button]