DHS Grade IV 600 posts Result

DHS Assam Grade IV Result 2020: Check DHS Grade IV 600 posts Result

DHS Assam Grade IV Result 2020– Directorate of Health Service, Assam has declared results of 1st phase written Examination for the post of Grade IV 600 posts

Name of post
i) Peon 410 posts
ii) Night Chowkider 5 posts
iii) Ward Boy 11 posts
iv) Ward Girl 25 posts
v) Dark, Room attendant 2 posts
How to Check Result: Visit official website dhs.assam.gov.in and click on Result of Grade IV
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://dhs.assam.gov.in/sites/default/files/swf_utility_folder/departments/dirhs_lipl_in_oid_4/latest/result.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Check Results[/button]