DHS Assam Staff Nurse Recruitment 2020 notification regarding filling of 540 Staff Nurse posts, Directorate of Health service (DHS), Assam has a released notification for 540 Staff Nurse Vacancy
DHS Assam staff nurse vacancy 2020
Name of post: Staff Nurse (Critical Care)
No.of posts: 540
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,500/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,800/-
Qualification: GNM/B.Sc Nursing Passed or above from recognized Indian Nursing Council and Assam Nurses Midwives & Health Visitor Council and Applicant should have experience of Working in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) atleast for a period of one year
Age: 18 Years to 40 Years ( Age Relaxation – Check Notification)
The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies all of certificates etc. are to be submitted
i) Two copies recent Passport size photo duly self attested
ii) Birth Certificate/HSLC Admit/HSLC Board passed Certificate for age proof
iii) All pass certificate
iv) Permanent residentship Certificate/Domicile Certificate (if any)
v) Employment Registration Certificate
vi) EWS Certificate wherever applicable
vii) Nursing Registration Certificate by the Register, Assam Nursing Council
viii) Experience Certificate working in ICU
DHS Assam nurse vacancy 2020
How to Apply: Before apply online read the notification, Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application forms available at the official website of the directorate of Health Services, Assam (www.dhs.assam.gov.in)
DHS Assam staff nurse recruitment
Online Start: 03-10-2020
Last date: 17-10-2020 till midnight
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