DHSFW Admit Card for Grade IV posts– This is for general information that the computer based skill test for the post of Field worker,Social worker,Computer/ L.D. Asst, Field and evaluation worker in the establishment of Director of Health services (FW) Assam, schedule to be held on 23.12.2019, 24.12.2019, 04.01.2020 and 05.01.2020 at AMTRON, Industrial Estate
The qualified candidates are request to download the admit card from the official website www.dhsfw.assam.gov.in from 12.12.20219 onwards
Name of post:
Field worker,Social worker,Computer/ L.D. Asst, Field and evaluation worker
Name of Exam: Computer Based skill Test
Admit card: from 12.12.2019
Short list candidates for the post of Steno Typist/Stenographer- check notification
[button color=”pink” size=”medium” link=”https://assamjobupdates.com/storage/2019/12/dhsfw.jpg” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://dhsfw.assam.gov.in/” icon=”” target=”true”]Download Admit card[/button]