Dibrugarh University Recruitment 2018 post of Pharmacist

Applications in the prescribed format of the University are invited from the intending qualified and competent candidates for the post of Pharmacist (reserved for OBC/MOBC) in the Dibrugarh University Health Centre, Dibrugarh, which shall have to reach the undersigned on or before 01st November, 2018



Diploma in Pharmacy from a registered Institute/ Organization duly recognized by the Central/ State Government and must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned Central/State Government.

Scale of Pay Rs.14000-49000 + GP Rs. 8700/-

As per Government Rules.


The prescribed form for the above post can be downloaded from the Dibrugarh University website www.dibru.ac.in. The application form must be submitted to the Registrar, D.U. along with all the necessary testimonials and Money Receipt/Demand Draft of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three Hundred)only, drawn in favour of the Registrar, Dibrugarh University payable at Punjab National Bank, Dibrugarh University Branch,(Code 994000) Dibrugarh. No. TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview.


This cancels our earlier advertisement No.A-6/2017 dtd.07.12.2017. Accordingly, the applicants who had applied against the earlier advertisement needs to apply afresh, fulfilling the present eligibility criteria and they may claim their application fee deposited earlier within one month from the date of issue of this advertisement.


Official Notification: https://dibru.ac.in/images/uploaded_files/2018/october/Recruit_Pharmacist.pdf

Application Form: https://dibru.ac.in/images/pdf/Application_form_for__grade_III_posts.pdf