Directorate of Welfare of SC Assam Application form for grants in aid to SC Patients suffering from Cancer, The directorate of of welfare of S.C Assam hereby invites application from schedule castes patients who are suffering from Cancer for one time grant for an amount Rs.50,000/- under the Scheme Grants-in-Aid to SC patient who are suffering from Cancer and other Malignat Diseases for the year 2020-21
Name of scheme : Grants-in-Aid to SC
Amount one Time grant: Rs.50,000/-
The patients who have already received the Grant within last two years will not be eligible to apply again
How to Apply: Submit their application in prescribed format given notification to the Director, Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Assam, Sorumotoria, Guwahati-6
Last date: Before 29-Sep-2020
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification and Application form format[/button]