Disaster Management Authority Recruitment 2019: Karbi Anglong,Post of Field Officer

Disaster Management Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2019-Application are invited from intnding candidates of Indian Nationality for Engagement on purely Contractual Basis under District Disaster Management Authority, Karbi Anglong

Name of post: Field Officer (Disaster Management) For Revenue Circle
Name of post: 01
Education Qualification: 
i) Bachelor degree in Science or with Statistics, Environment or Geology as Subject or Diploma in civil Engineering or Architecture from a recognized University/Institution
ii) Computer Skills Specially MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Internet uses/Emails. Preference will be given to candidates having done BCA or Equivalent course on Computer Science

Disaster Management Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2019
21-35 years to
Remuneration: Rs.20,000/-
Selection Process: Written Test/ or Interview

How to Apply: Applications complete in all the Standard form along with testimonials should at Disaster Management Branch Drop Box, O/o Deputy Commissioner’s office Diphu, Karbi Anglong

The applicants have to appear to written test and/ or Interview at the venue,date of time,which will be notified in due course of time on the website i,e www.karbianglong.nic.in
Last date: 15-July-2019
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