District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon Recruitment 2020

District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon Recruitment 2020: Peon posts

District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon Recruitment 2020– Applications, in prescribed format, are invited till 5 PM of 06.01.2020 from the citizens of India as defined under Article s and 6 of the constitution of India for filling up of 4 (four) existing vacancies of peons in the office of the District & Sessions Judge’ Morigaon, Assam

Name of post: Peon
No.of posts: 04
Pay:Rs..12,000/- to Rs.37,500/- with Rs.3,900/-
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years, Age Relaxation- Check notification
Education Qualification: Class VIII Passed, Who have passed Graduate are ineligible to apply

How to Apply: Eligible candidates download Application form from the website www.morigaonjudiciary.gov.in and take a print out the Application form.
i) Fill up Application
ii) PasteĀ  his/her recent passport size photograph
iii) Sign across the photograph
iv) 4 copies of the same photograph should be stapled in the top right corner of the application form.
v) Candidates should write his/her name on the reverse of stapled photograph
vi) Postage stamp a standard size Self addressed envelope with the application form

The envelope containing the application form and the self addressed envelope should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POSTS OF PEON” and the same should be addressed to ” The District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon,Assam,PIN-782105″
The envelope containing the duly completed application form and the
self-addressed envelope should be dropped in the DROP BOX labeled
premises of the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon,
Assam on or before the last date
Last date: 6-January-2020

[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”http://morigaonjudiciary.gov.in/recruitmentj/Notification_adver_dj_23_12_2019.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://morigaonjudiciary.gov.in/recruitmentj/application_form_23_12_2019.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Application form[/button]