DME Paramedical Course 2019: Application Form

DME Paramedical Course 2019-Applications are invited from candidates seeking admission into Paramedical courses in the Institutes namely Institute of Paramedical Science, Guwahati/ Institute of Paramedical Science, Dibrugarh/ institute of Paramedical Science, Silchar / Institute of Paramedical Science, Jorhat and Institute of Paramedical Science, Barpeta for the session 2019 prescribed forms which will be available in this office website i.e. from 30th’ September, 2019.

Name of Course: Paramedical Course
No.of Seats: 332
Apply Mode: Offline
Application Form: Available From 30-Sep-2019
Name of Board: Director of Medical Education (DME), Assam.

Paramedical courses in the Institutes namely
1.Institute of Paramedical Science, Guwahati
2.Institute of Paramedical Science, Dibrugarh of Paramedical Science, Silchar
4.Institute of Paramedical Science, Jorhat
5.Institute of Paramedical Science, Barpeta

Eligibility for Applying this Course:
i) H.S.S.L.C (10+2) Science Stream or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
ii) With 45% marks in case of General Candidates
iii) 40% for OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P) and ST(H) candidates.
iv) 17-24 years on 31st  December of 2019.
V) Relaxable by 3 years for OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P) and ST(H) candidates

Attested Copies of the Following Documents are to be enclosed along with the Application Forms:

i) Passport size photograph pasted on the form in the space provided, attested by a Gazetted officer.
(ii) Admit Card of H.S.L.C. Examination (Age proof).
(iii) Mark Sheet and Pass Certificate of H.S.S.L.C. or equivalent Examination.
(iv) Caste Certificate (Wherever applicable).
(v) Permanent Resident Certificate of Assam.
(vi) Certificate in support of quota applied for (Wherever applicable) including EWS quota.
(vii) Unemployed Family Quota Certificate recently issued by local MLA (if applicable).

How to Apply:
Applicants must submit the filled up Application forms with the required documents as mentioned above at Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati/ Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh/ Silchar Medical College, Stlchar/ Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat/ F.A.A. Medical College, Barpeta/ Tezput Medical College, Tezpur (Whichever is convenient) on or before 15th October,2019. No application will be entertained after the last date of submission of application form (i.e. 15th’ October, 2019. Application should be put inside an envelope and there should be specifically written as “Application for Paramedical Courses“. Applications submitted directly to the O/o the DME, Assam will not be accepted.

Last date: Before 15th October 2019
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