DTE Recruitment 2020: Apply online for 118 Grade III Posts

DTE Recruitment 2020– Addendum Recruitment of Grade III posts at Institutions Under DTE Assam. This is for all concerned that in continuation to this office’s advertisement no05/2020 published in daily news paper vide No.Jansanyog/D/10714/19 dated 25th February 2020. The following additional Grade III Posts of different existing Institutions under the Directorate of Technical Education will also be considered

1.Name post: Junior Assistant
Total No.of posts: 48
Education Qualification:
i) Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognized university or any Examination declared equivalent by the Govt.
ii) Must posses Computer Skill & Proficiency for handling data text on computer
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,200/-

2.Name post: Junior Instructor
Total No.of posts: 58
Education Qualification:
i) Passed HSLC or TSLC and having Certificate from ITI or equivalent in appropriate trade with 5 years experience in the relevant trade
ii) The experience must be from Govt. recognized organisation
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,800/-

3.Name post: Scientific Assistant (Physics)
Total No.of posts: 6
Education Qualification:
i) Degree in science with physics, chemistry and Mathematics
ii) Preference will be given to candidates having Major/Honours in physics in degree level
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.7,400/

4.Name post: Scientific Assistant (Chemistry)
Total No.of posts: 6
Education Qualification:
i) Degree in science with physics, chemistry and Mathematics
ii) Preference will be given to candidates having Major/Honours in physics in degree level
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.7,400/

How to Apply: Candidates are requested to apply online in the Official website of Directorate of Technical Education, Assam by logging into www.dte.assam.gov.in
Last date: 20-March-2020
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