DTE Recruitment 2020– Addendum Recruitment of Grade III posts at Institutions Under DTE Assam. This is for all concerned that in continuation to this office’s advertisement no05/2020 published in daily news paper vide No.Jansanyog/D/10714/19 dated 25th February 2020. The following additional Grade III Posts of different existing Institutions under the Directorate of Technical Education will also be considered
1.Name post: Junior Assistant
Total No.of posts: 48
Education Qualification:
i) Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognized university or any Examination declared equivalent by the Govt.
ii) Must posses Computer Skill & Proficiency for handling data text on computer
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,200/-
2.Name post: Junior Instructor
Total No.of posts: 58
Education Qualification:
i) Passed HSLC or TSLC and having Certificate from ITI or equivalent in appropriate trade with 5 years experience in the relevant trade
ii) The experience must be from Govt. recognized organisation
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,800/-
3.Name post: Scientific Assistant (Physics)
Total No.of posts: 6
Education Qualification:
i) Degree in science with physics, chemistry and Mathematics
ii) Preference will be given to candidates having Major/Honours in physics in degree level
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.7,400/
4.Name post: Scientific Assistant (Chemistry)
Total No.of posts: 6
Education Qualification:
i) Degree in science with physics, chemistry and Mathematics
ii) Preference will be given to candidates having Major/Honours in physics in degree level
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,5000/- with Grade Pay Rs.7,400/
How to Apply: Candidates are requested to apply online in the Official website of Directorate of Technical Education, Assam by logging into www.dte.assam.gov.in
Last date: 20-March-2020
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