guwahati high court recruitment

Examination Notice for Direct Recruitment to Grade-III of Assam Judical Service Guwahati High Court

Examination Notice for Direct Recruitment to Grade-III of Assam Judical Service

Pursuant to the advertiesment dated 14-09-2018 the Gauhati High Court has been pleased to notify that the preliminary Examination (OMR based objective type questions with multiple choice) for direct  Direct Recruitment to Grade-III of Assam Judaical Service will held as per the schedule indicated below



Date of Examination: 04-11-2018 (Sunday)

Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (2 hr.)

Place of Exam: Guwahati

Specific venue the examination will be indicated in the Admit Card

Admit card may be download from official website for the Gauhati High Court w.e.f 30-10-2018

Syllabus of the Preliminary Examination has been provide in the advertisement dated 14-09-2018

A Provisional list of candidates with assigned Roll Number and a reject list with reason of rejection have been published with this notification.

Candidates of the list have been allowed in the preliminary Examination subject to condition that their candidates is still under security. The Gauhati High Court reserves the right to reject the candidates of any candidates on detection o intelligibility at any stage
