Historical and Antiquarian Recruitment 2019: Post of LDA/Peon

Historical and Antiquarian Recruitment 2019- Applications are invited from Indian as defined in article 5 to 8 the constitution of India in the prescribed Standard Form as Published in Assam Gazette Part-IX from the intending eligible candidates for filling up of the following vacant Grade III and Grade IV Posts.

1.Name of post: L.D.A Asst.
No.of posts: 02
Education Qualification:
Bachelors Degree Passed
6 Month Diploma in Computer Application
MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Internet Page Page Maker
Hardware Knowledge and  Knowledge Of DTP both English and Assamese
Age: 18-44 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,500/- with GP-Rs.6200/-

2.Name of post: Peon
No.of posts: 02
Education Qualification: VIII Passed
Age: 18-44 Years
Salary: Rs.12000/- to Rs.52,000/- with GP- Rs.3900/-

Selection Process:
Written Test
Computer Proficiency Test
How to Apply:
1.Fill up Standard Form
2. Self Attested 2 copies recent passport size photo
3. Self Attested copies of pass certificate / HSLC admit card for age proof
cast certificate and valid Employment Registration Card
4. Self Address Envelope (Size 22 cm X 10 cm)
5. Postal Stamp Rs.5/-

Candidate must mention the Employment Registration no.along with date in the application form

Address: Director, Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001
Last Date: 30th-July-2019
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://assamjobupdates.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Historical-and-Antiquarian.jpg” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rnpxswB2WNEx5t7bcKdfqnd-HZwbcze6″ icon=”” target=”true”]Standard Form[/button]