jnv lateral test 2019

JNV Lateral Entry Test 2019 Jawahr Navodaya vidyalaya

JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA Ministry of Human Resource Development, department of education Govt. of India

P.O-Baruajan, Titatbar, Dist- Jorjhat, Assam, Pin- 785630



Online Registration and Form fill up for admission into class-IX (2019-20) through Lateral Entry Test 2019 at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Dist- Jorhat, Assam is going on.

Online Application forms are invited from the eligible Candidates. the link for online apply is available at NVS, HQ-Nodia website i.e www.nvshq.or and JNV-Jorahat website i.e. jorhat.jnv.academy.

1.Only those candidates who are studying Class VIII during the Academic Session 2018-19 in one of the Govt./Govt. recognized schools of the district where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is functioning and where admission is sought, are eligible

2. Candidate appearing for the admission test must qualify/ pass Class VIII in the academic session 2018-19 from a Govt./Govt. recognized school in the district where he/she is seeking admission.

3.A candidate seeking admission must be born between 01.05.2003 and 30.04.2007 (both days inclusive). This is applicable to all
categories of candidates including those who belong to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe

4. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti reserves the right to refer any candidate to a MEDICAL BOARD for confirmation of the age of the
candidate, in case any doubt arises about the age on the basis of certificate produced by the candidate before confirmation of

The existing vacant seats in the SC/ST category as notified are reserved for the SC/ST students. Tentative vacancy position mentioned in the notification may be referred.

Selection and Admission:
1. Selection in the selection test will not vest any right upon candidate to secure admission into JNV till the candidate produces all the
relevant certificates such as birth certificate, pass certificate of VIII class with mark sheets, SC/ST certificate, if any, as prescribed by
NVS for the admission.

2. Details of the marks obtained in the test will not be communicated and there is no provision for re-checking/re-totalling.

3. Candidates will be considered for the admission only into that Vidyalaya for which he/she has appeared for Selection Test.

4. At the time of admission, candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) Scheduled Tribes (STs) & Other Backward Classes (OBCs) categories will have to produce the required Scheduled Caste/Tribe or OBC Certificate issued by the competent authority.

5. In case of any dispute, the decision of NVS will be final and binding on the candidates.



1. Date of Examination – Saturday 2nd February 2019

2. Duration – 2 ½ hours (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM). However, in respect of candidates with special needs (Divyang), additional time of 30
minutes will be provided, subject to the production of certificates from the competent authority.

3. Centre for examination shall be the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA of the district concerned/ any other center allotted by

4. Medium of Language for Examination will be English/Hindi.

5. Students have to answer in OMR sheet

Apply here: https://www.nvsadmissionclassnine.in/nvs/applicantRegistration

Notification: https://www.nvsadmissionclassnine.in/nvs/resources/images/Notification.pdf