Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Kamrup (Metro) Recruitment 2019

Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Kamrup (Metro) Recruitment 2019: Peon

Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Kamrup (Metro) Recruitment 2019 Applications in Standard Form are invited from the intending candidates for filling u the following post in the Establishment of the presiding Officer,State Transport Appellate Tribunal, Assam & Member, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal-1,Kamrup (M) Ulubari Guwahati-781007

Name of post: Office Peon
Total No.of post: 02 ( UR)
Education Qualification: VIII Passed
Age: 18-44 Years as on 01-01-2019
Salary: Rs.12,000/- to Rs.37,500/- with GP-Rs.3,900/-

Documents Required:
i) Employment Exchange Registration Card
ii) 3 copies of recent Passport size photo duly signed
ii) Self addressed envelope of 11 cm x 25 cm
iv) Postal stamp of Rs.5/-

How to Apply Office Peon Post:
The Application should be accompanied by self attested copied valid Employment Exchange Registration Card along with 3 copies of recent Passport size photo duly signed by the candidate on the reserve side.

Candidate must enclose one self addressed envelope of 11 cm x 25 cm affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/-

Candidates in service should apply through proper channel as per procedure
Address: The presiding Officer,State Transport Appellate Tribunal, Assam & Member, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal-1,Kamrup (M) Ulubari Guwahati-781007
Selection Process: Interview/Viva-voce
Last date: Last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of published of this advertisement in the newspaper
Date of published of this advertisement: 13-06-2019
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