Application are invited for the post of Educational Branch Coordinator for Assam Govt. permitted Educational Dept. (for Exam) NERITS. The Institute since 17 years in the field in the field of Educational Work all over Assam for conducing Scholarship Examination among the student of primary school/Higher Secondary Schools.
Name of post: Educational Branch Coordinator
Number of post: 300 ( SC/ST-80, OBC/MOBC-120, General-100)
Job Location: All over Assam
Education Qualification: B.A, B.Com, B.Sc.
Age: 18 to 50 (1st jan-2018)
Salary: Negotiable Agreement basic 10,000/- to 20,000/- per month.
How to Apply: Candidates shall be requested to send (By post) the dully fill up Application in Standard Form or Bio Data with self addressed envelope affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/- only shall be Submitted. All the expense of Agreement must be payable by the candidates.
Application Submition Address: To, The Secretary/Managing Director Employment Recruitment Trust Board North East Regional Institute for Talent Search.
Official Notification: