NF Railway Recruitment

NF Railway Recruitment 2018 Ticket Booking Sewak 

NF Railway Recruitment 2018 Ticket Booking Sewak 

NF Railway Recruiment For Janasadharan Ticket Booking Sewak– Application for invited for appointment of  Janasadharan Ticket Booking Sewak (JTBS) 01 Counter in each station as under.

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i) Application forms can be obtained from the office of the Divisional  commercial Manager Tinsukia.

ii) Application forms can be submitted/ dropped in the box kept in the office of the Divisional  commercial Manager Tinsukia From 17-09-2018 of 08-10-2018 on all working days and will be opened at 11:00 of 09-10-2018 in the chamber of Assistant Commercial Manger, Tinisukia

More details visit officially  website: