OIL Duliajan GNM Nursing Result 2019-List of Selected Candidates for Admission in GNM Course Session 2019-20, In School of Nursing Oil India Hospital, Duliajan.
Admission in the three years General Nursing and Midwifery Course in the School of Nursing Oil India Hospital, Dualiajan for the session 2019-20
GNM Entrance Test 2019
Name of Course: GNM
Course Duration: 3 Years
Session : 2019-20
Name of School: School of Nursing Oil India Hospital, Dualiajan
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://assamjobupdates.com/storage/2019/09/Duliajan-GNM-Selection-list.png” icon=”” target=”true”]Download Selected Candidates list[/button]