RAKCON Nursing Application form 2020

RAKCON Nursing Application form 2020: B.Sc (Hons.) Nursing Course

RAKCON Nursing Application form 2020- Rajkumari Amrit Kaur college of Nursing, Application are invited for admission to B.Sc (Hons.) Nursing course 4 years commencing from 20th July 2020. Prescribed application forms with prospectus for the session 2020-21 can be downloaded form college website www.rakcon.com from 05.03.2020 to 17.04.2020 and should be submitted (by hand or post) in the college

Name of college: Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing
Name of Course: B.Sc Nursing (Hons.)
Duration of Course: 4 Years

Foreign Candidates:
i) 5% for the foreign national will be reserved provided the fulfil the minimum eligibility conditions and have passed the last qualifying examination from a foreign University/Board. Candidates are advised to submit equivalence certificate of their qualifying examination from Registrar University of Delhi
ii) The Foreign Nationals minimum qualification attained either from Indian Board/University or Foreign Board/University are exempted from appearing in admission Selection Test

Eligibility for B.Sc Nursing (Hons.) Course 2020
Senior School Certificate or Indian School Certificate Examination or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto 50% or more marks in the 4 Subject including English core/Elective, Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided the students has passed in each subject separately. Those who have appeared in S.S.C or Equivalent examination with physics, Chemistry, biology and English in 2020 are also eligible for applying for admission to selection Test
Age: Minimum 17 Years by 1st October 2020

RAKCON Nursing Application form 2020- B.Sc Nursing (Hons.)
Selection process: Basis of merit based on selection Test
Date of Selection Test: 14-June-2020 (Sunday) at 10.00 A.M
At the venue mentioned in the Admission Ticket

RAKCON B.Sc Nursing (Hons.) Course 2020
Apply Mode: Offline (By hand or Post) in the college
Only women candidates are eligible
Application Fee:
Payment of  Rs.550/- by Demand draft in Favour of Principal, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, payable at New Delhi
Date of demand draft

How to Apply: Download prescribed Application form with prospectus from college website www.rakcon.com from 05-03-2020 to 17-04-2020 and submit in the college by hand or post
Apply Start: 05-March-2020
Last date: Date of receipt of B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing Application Form has been extended till 15th June, 2020.
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[button color=”pink” size=”medium” link=”http://rakcon.com/topics.aspx?mid=122″ icon=”” target=”true”]Admission Fees & Others[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://rakcon.com/DataFiles/CMS/file/B_Sc_%20(H)%20Nursing%20Application%20Form%202020.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Download Application Form[/button]