RRB Guwahati Admit card 2020

RRB Guwahati Admit Card 2020: CBT Call Letter For NTPC and Level 1 Vacancy

RRB Guwahati Admit Card 2020, notification regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Guwahati released the Admit card of Computer Based Test (CBT) for 1,40,640 posts

Name of post: Group D (PRC-01/2019) & NTPC (CEN-01/2019)
No.of posts: 1,40,640
Name of Exam: Computer Based Test (CBT)
Date of Examination: From 15th December 2020
RRB Guwahati Admit Card: Coming soon
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://www.assamcareer.com/2020/09/rrb-guwahati-admit-card-2020.html” icon=”” target=”true”]Exam Notification[/button]