SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020- Application are invited from eligible Indian citizens fro appointment as Junior Associate ( Customer Support & Sales) in clerical in Sate Bank of India. Candidates can apply for vacancies in one State.Candidates can appear for the test only once under this recruitment Project.
Name of Post: Junior Associate ( Customer Support & Sales)
No.of posts: 8134
Assam: 182 Vacancy
Age: Not below 20 years ant above 28 years, Upper Age Relaxation , Check Notification
Pay Scale: Rs.11765-665/3-13730-815/3-16175-980/4-20095-1145/7-28110-2120/ 2-30230-1310/1-31450
Education Qualification: Graduate in any Discipline from a recognised University or equivalent qualification recognised as such Central Government. Candidates having integrated dual degree (IDD) Certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 01.010.2020
Those who are in the final year/Semester of their graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if provisionally selected, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 01.01.2020
SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020 Application Fee
General/OBC/EWS- Rs.750/-
Payment Mode: Online ( Debit/Credit Card, Net Banking
SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020 Pay Scale
SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020 Selection Process
Online Test ( Preliminary & Main Exam) and test of specified opted local language
Examination Centre: Assam- Guwahati,Tezpur,Dibrugargh,Jorhat,Silchar
SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020
How to Apply: Candidates can apply online and no other mode of application will be accepted candidates will be required to register themselves online through Bank’s website OR
Online Start: 03.January.2020
Last date: 26.January.2020
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