SCERT Assam Non Gazetted Recruitment 34 vacancy

SCERT, Assam Non Gazetted Recruitment 2020: Apply Online for 34 posts

SCERT Assam Non Gazetted Recruitment 2020, State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Assam released a notification for 34 Non Gazetted

SCERT Assam Non Gazetted Recruitment post details:
1 Name of Post: Lower Division Assistant
Total no of Post 5

Educational Qualification:
a) Graduation in any stream
b) Diploma/ certificate in DTP/ Type writing from any govt recognized institute profiency in typing of official language will be preferred
Scale of pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs. 6,200/-
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

2 Name of Post: Laboratory Assistant
Total no of Post: 3
Educational Qualification: B.Sc in Physics, Chemistry or Biology passed with proficiency in computer application
Scale of pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs. 6,200/-
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

3 Name of Post: Library Assistant
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline preference will be given to the candidates who possessed degree in library and information science having knowledge in computer application
Scale of pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs. 6,200/-
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

4 Name of Post: Statistical Assistant
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Graduation in any stream with any one of the following subjects (i) Economics (ii) Statistics (iii) Mathematics
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

5 Name of Post: Stenographer
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: i) Graduate in any stream. (ii) Diploma in shorthand writing from Industrial Training institutes in Assam by the national council for vocational trade or diploma in stenography from government recognized polytechnic of the state and having fluency in English He/she has to pass the shorthand test Minimum speed one should have is 80 words / minute candidate must have sound knowledge in computer application
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

6 Name of Post: Graduate Instructor ( Arts )
Total no of Post: 3
Educational Qualification: B.A with B.ed. Degree from any recognized university preference will be given to the candidates who passed M.A. Degree
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

7 Name of Post: Assistant Teacher ( Arts )
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: B.A with major in any subject and B.ed degree from any recognized university Preference will be given to the candidates having Master Degree in Arts
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

8 Name of Post: Assistant Teacher (Science)
Total no of Post: 2
Educational Qualification: B.Sc. with major in Physics/Chemistry and B.ed degree from any recognized university Preference will be given to the candidates having M.Sc degree
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

9 Name of post: Assistant Teacher
Total No of posts: 2 (Arts-1, Science-1)
Educational Qualification; B.Sc with Major in Physics/Chemistry and B.Ed degree from any recognized University

10 Name of post: Normal Instructor
Total No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Degree passed in any discipline Graduate in Science or Arts with B.Ed degree from any recognized University. Preference will be given to the canadidates having Master Degree in Science or Arts
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

11 Name of post: Instructor
Total No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: B.A with Major an any subject and B.Ed degree from any recognized university. Preference will be given to Master Degree in Arts
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

12 Name of post:  Craft Instructor
Total No of posts: 3
Educational Qualification: Degree in any discipline from any recognized university with Diploma Certificate in fine Art/Cane and Bamboo/Cutting and knitting/Embroidery from Govt. recognized Institute
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

13 Name of Post: Manual Instructor
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Degree in Fine Art from any Govt. recognized preference will be given to the candidates having Degree in Fine Art and B.Ed degree from recognized University
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

14 Name of Post: Work Experience Teacher
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any stream and one who completed certificate from Govt. recognized institution in Art and Craft (Handy craft), Cutting knitting, embroidy and tailoring proficiency in the use of ICT for educational purpose
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

15 Name of Post: Drawing Instructor
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Degree in Fine Art from any Govt recognized Institute. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Fine Art and B.Ed degree from recognized University
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

16 Name of Post: Music Teacher
Total no of Post: 1
Educational Qualification: Bachelor in Music from any recognized University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Master degree in Music
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

17 Name of Post: Librarian
Total no of Post: 4
Educational Qualification: Bachelor in Library and Information Science from recognized University. Candidates must have knowledge in Computer application and software in the concerned field
Age: 18 years to 40 years ( Age Relaxation- check notification)

Selection Process:
Written examination category wise and other computer/ proficiency test wherever necessary will be notified in the same website.
The date of examination computer/ proficiency test will also be announced in the website

How to apply:
Before Apply read the notification
i) Candidates will have to apply through online in the website Application forms will be available in the website w.e.f. 02/11/2020 till midnight of 22/11/2020 applications received either by post or by hand shall not be accepted under any circumstances . Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidature
ii) The candidate has to upload the scanned documents in JPEG/ JPG format wherever required not more than 500 kb per document

iii) A recent passport colour photograph in black and white background on a standard size 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm has to be uploaded. the photograph must be in JPEG/JPG format more than 100 kb

iv) The candidate has to upload a scanned image of signature with black or dark blue on a white paper. The signature must be in JPEG/JPG format in the size of 3.5 cm (width) x 2.5 cm (height) not more than 100 kb

v) The candidate should have registration in employment exchange, registered anywhere within the state of Assam

Online Start: 02-11-2020
Last date: 22-11-2002
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