Sonitpur Treasury Recruitment 2019-Online Application are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Junior Accounts Assistant as mentioned below under the treasury Establishment of Sonitpur Districts.
Name of Post: Junior Accounts Assistant ( Grade III )
Total posts: 07 ( UR-03, OBC/MOBC-02, ST(P)-01 ST(H)-01
Education Qualification:
i) Bachelor’s Degree from recognized University or any Examination declared equivalent by the Government.
ii) Minimum 6 month Diploma Certificate Computer Application/Knowledge from recognized Institute
iii) Good Working Knowledge and Skill in Computer Specially Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Concept of Database, Internet, Email etc.
Age: 18-44 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs.7,400/-
Nationality: The Candidate must be a Citizen of India.
How to Apply: visit and fill the Application Form, After online submission of Application form application shall submit the Self Attested copies of the following documents testimonials along with online generated pdf Application.
i) HSLC Admit Card, Pass Certificate and Mark-Sheet
ii) Degree pass Certificate and Mark-Sheet
iii) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate
( Registration No. and Date must be mention in their Application)
iv) Cast Certificate, if Applicable
v) 3 Copies of Passport size photo self attested
vi) Self addressed Envelope with Postal Stamp of Rs.5/-
Application should be send post or delivered by hand to the Deputy Commissioner (Treasury Establishment) Sonitpur, Tezpur, P.O Tezpur, Pin-784001,Dist-Sonitpur, Assam. Post Applied for shall be super ascribed on the top of the sealed envelop.
Online Start: 10-03-2019
Last date: 20-03-2019
Last date of submission of duly signed hard copy of the Online Application along with supporting documents: 10-04-2019
Apply Online-Click here