State Police Accountability Commission Recruitment 2020

State Police Accountability Commission Recruitment 2020: Apply for Data Entry post

State Police Accountability Commission Recruitment 2020– Application are invited along with complete Bio-Data including Mobile No. e-mail ID Self attested copies of academic/Experience certificate two recent passport size photo for one data entry Operator in the State Police Accountability Commission, Assam purely temporary basis.

Name of post: Data Entry Operator
No.of posts: 01
Education Qualification: Degree in any discipline with diploma in computer having knowledge in Data Entry computer typing both in Assamese and English
Age: 18 years to 38 Years
Salary: Rs.10,000/- per month
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Selection process:
Computer Test
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the credential they submit. only shortlisted candidates will be individually called for interview and computer test, which will be notified in the Board of the Commission after 15 days of the last day of receipt of the application. They shall also be informed on their e-mail/Mobile number to provided by the applicants
Last date: within 7 working days from the date of  the publication of this advertisement in newspaper
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