Welfare of Minorities & Development Department Recruitment 2019: Computer Programmer/ Contingency Menials- Walk-In

Welfare of Minorities & Development Department Recruitment 2019- A Walk In Interview on the date, time and venue is arranged for engagement of Contractual staff under Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karakram (PMJVK), Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt.  of India

1.Name of post: Computer Programmer
Place of Posting: State Head Quarter (Welfare of Minorities & dev.deptt)
No.of posts: 01
Education Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with One Year Computer Computer Diploma/Certificate
Age:  Max. 38 Years
Salary: Rs.15,000/-

2.Name of post: Contingency Menials
Place of Posting: State Head Quarter (Welfare of Minorities & dev.deptt)
No.of posts: 02
Education Qualification: HSLC Passed
Age:  Max. 38 Years
Salary:  Rs.10,000/-

Documents Required:
i) A Resume
ii) Original copies of all testimonials/Certificate/Documents in support of qualification & experience along with one set of self attested copies
iii) 2 copies recent passport size photo

Date of Interview: 25th-July-2019
Time: 11:00 AM
Venue: Director of char Areas Development Assam, Hengarbari Road, Dispur, Guwahati-6
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