Application are herby invited from interested Scheduled Castes graduate unemployed youths for awarding Financial Assistance @Rs.25,00/- only for talking up viable income generating activities such as agriculture and allied activities/Industry/ service/ business sectors/ area of horticulture/ poultry/ fishing activities etc. during the financial year 2020-21.
The interested candidates applicant may be submitted in their respective Sub-Divisional Welfare Office or to the DIRECTOR, WELFARE OF SCHEDULED CASTES, ASSAM, BLOCK-II, HOUSEFED COMPLEX, BASHISTHA ROAD, GUWAHATI-781006 on or before 18th January 2021 positively if he/she fulfills t
Document to be enclosed
i) Copy of the scheduled caste certificate
ii) Affidavit signed by the notary regarding applicant’s unemployed status
iii) Household income certificate issued by concerned authority
iv) BPL Card
v) Graduate passed certificate
vi) HSLC Admit card ( for age proof)
vii) Passport size photograph of the applicant
viii) Photocopy of Bank pass book
ix) Proof of identity – (Voter ID/ AADHAAR etc. (any one document to be submitted)
x) Brief proposal/ Schemes for which the amount is proposed to be utilized (limiting to Rs.50,000)
1. The applicant must be belongs to Scheduled castes Community of Assam
2. The applicant must be an unemployed person belonging to age group 25 years to 45 years
3. The annual household income of the applicant should be less than Rs.2.00 lakhs
4. Preference will be given to the applicants of BPL Families from emote and SC
Last date: On or before 18 January 2021
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