Pre-Entry Test (PET) 2018 For admission into 2 year D.El.Ed
Course held on 06-05-2018
District wise merit list uploaded
Merit list in available in
Select candidate are required to participate in online counselling by submitting in counseling by entering their Roll and number and date of birth
Counselling will be held on 22 jun, 23 jun, 24 jun, and 25 jun till 11:59 p.m of 25 jun 2018
And final list with allotment of TEIs will be declared on 26 jun 2018 and will also be available in the same website. websit Admission of candidate in respective allotted TEIs will be held on 28 jun 29 jun 2018. There after request for admission of candidates by any candidate from this merit list will not entertained. Subject to availability of seats waiting list will be prepared and online counseling will be held for which date and time will be communicated through sms to the candidates and will also be available in the same website.
visit officially
Date of online submission of applicaton from: 12 march 2018
Date of closing of online submission of application from: 31 march 2018
Issue of Admit card: From 26 april 2018 onward
Date of Pre Entry Test (PET): 6 MAY 2018