The directorate of Welfare of Schedule castes Assam hereby invites applications from the Scheduled Castes meritorious Boys/Girls students who have passed in HSLC / HSS Examination respectively under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council and Board of Secondary Education Assam securing 80% and above marks during the academic year 2020-21
Poor Meritorious Scheduled castes Boys/Girls Students
Qualification: HSLC and H.S.S Examination with 80% and above
Session: 2020-21
Amount: Rs.10,000/- one time grant
How to Apply: The qualified candidates may submit their applications as prescribed format to the Office of the Directorate of Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Assam, Sorumotoria, Dilip Huzuri Path, Dispur, Guwahati-6
Last date: Before 29-09-2020
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Application form format and Notification[/button]