Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020: Post of 10 Junior Accounts

Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020– The Director of Accounts (postal) Assam Circle, Guwahati propose to fill up the vacant posts in  Group C cadre ON deputation basis from among the staffs working under various Ministries/Department of Government of India/ State Governments/PSUs including postal Department

Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
Name of Post: Junior Accounts (Group C)
No.of posts: 10
Salary:  Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/- with Grade Pay Rs.2,800/-
Eligibility: Candidates must be working under various Ministries/Department of Government of India/ State Governments/PSUs including postal Department.

Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply to the Director of Accounts (Postal) with 06-03-2020 to fill up the above posts on deputation basis, the details may be seen in the website,
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