Assam RCCC Training Examination 2020 Exam date

Assam RCCC Training Examination 2020 Exam date

Assam Recorders Certificate Class Course (RCCC) Training 2020-21, Kamrup Metropolitian District Administration would like to inform all candidates who had received their admit card regarding Entrance Examination for Selection of Recorders Certificate Class Course Training 2020-21 that as per directive received from the office of the director of Land Record & Surveys etc. Assam that the examination is re scheduled and will be held on 20th of December 2020

District Administration will be sending new admit cards for the new date to all candidates. if any candidates does not received this re scheduled admit card in due to time they may attend the examination with their earlier admit cards valid ID proof and copy of this notification, The Examination centers so allotted as per roll numbers are given below

Name of course: Recorders Certificate Class Course (RCCC) Training
Session: 2020-21
Date of Examination: 20th December 2020

1.Name of exam centre: Bengali High School
Centre Address: Paltan Bazar near ASTC office, Ghy-08
Roll Nos: KAM1 – KAM300

2.Name of exam centre: Bengali Higher Secondary School
Centre Address: Paltan Bazar near Bijuli Bhawan, Ghy-08
Roll Nos: KAM301 – KAM600

1.Name of exam centre: Assam Railway H.S School
Centre Address: Station colony, Paltan Bazar near Guwahati Railway Station Ghy-01
Roll Nos: KAM601 – KAM808

All other instructions and directions as stated to the candidates with their earlier admit card
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Exam notification[/button]