Axom Sarba Siksha Kamrup (M) Recruitment 2019: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions for engagement in the Residential School for Boys under Axom Sarba Sikhsa Abhijan Mission, Kamrup (M) On Contractual basis.
1.Name of post: Chowkider Cum Mali
Number of posts: 01 (Reserved For Male Candidates)
Education Qualification: VIII Passed
Age: 34-45 Years
Salary: Rs.8000/-
Axom Sarba Siksha Kamrup (M) Recruitment 2019
2.Name of post: Head Cook
Number of posts: 01 (Reserved for Male Candidates)
Education Qualification: VIII Passed
Age: 30-45 Years
Salary: Rs.9000/-
Axom Sarba Siksha Kamrup (M) Recruitment 2019
Name of post: Helper Cook
Number of posts: 02 (Reserved For Male Candidates)
Education Qualification: VIII Passed
Age: 30-45 Years
Salary: Rs.8000/-
How to Apply: Application in Plain paper stating clearly
i) Name of Candidates (in Capital)
ii) Name of post applied for
iii) Permanent Address
iv) Address Communication
v) Contact Telephone/Mobile No
vi) Age on 1st Jan-2019
vii) Education Qualification
viii) Working Experience along with one self attested
passport size photo and self attested copies of Certificates
Testimonial relating to Education Qualification, Experience etc
Should be Submitted at the office District Mission Co-Ordinator
SSA, Kamrup (M)
The shortlist of eligible candidates with the venue and time for Interview will be hanged on the notice board of the District Mission Co-Ordinator
SSA,Kamrup (M)
Last date: 19-July-2019[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”][/button]