BTC Kokrajhar Recruitment 2019– Bololand Territorial Council, Kokrajhar invites Applications from the eligible candidates citizen of India for filling up the following SIU approved sunction vacant posts of Grade III (Non Gazetted) under the Forest Department BTC.
1.Name of post: Forester-I
No.of posts: 22
Education Qualification: Bachelors degree in any discipline
Age: 18-25 Years (Age Relaxation, Check Notification)
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs.6,200/-
2.Name of post: Forest Guard
No.of posts: 70
Education Qualification: Minimum (10+2), HS Passed or Equivalent
Age: 18-25 Years
Salary: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- with Grade Pay Rs.5,600/-
Physical Requirements for Forester-I and Forest Guard post
Height for General Categories- 163 cm
Height for ST(P) ST(H) Categories- 153 cm
Selection Process:
i) Physical Fitness Test- 26 km walking within 4 Hours.
Candidates qualified in the Physical Fitness Test shall be called for
ii) Written Test- 3 hrs. General Knowledge, General Mathematics, General English
iii) Viva-Voce Test
How to Apply: The Eligible Candidates willing to apply for the post as mentioned above may apply by filling the Applications forms as per ANNEXURE-I
Documents Required:
ii) 2 Copies recent Passport size photo
iii) One Self addressed envelope (23 cm X 10 cm)
iv) Postal Stamp Rs.5/-
The complete application form duly filled up by the candidates with all testimonials should be Submitted to
Address: The Member Secretary Central Selection Board (CSB), BTC,Post Office Road, Kokrajhar, BTC (Assam), Pin code-783370
Application Fee: Treasury challan to paid at Kokrajhar Treasury Office or IPO for an amount of Rs.150/- for General/OBC/MOBC/ Candidates, Rs.100/- for SC/ST
In case of Treasury challan the challan must be paid in favour of the Principal Secretary,BTC, Kokrajhar payable at Kokrajhar Treasury Office only under the Head of Account-8443 Civil Deposit, Personal deposit, BTC.
Candidates only from BTC area need to apply
Last date: 5-Aug-2019
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification and Application form[/button]