D.Pharm Counseling for Selected Candidate 1st year

D.Pharm Counseling for Selected Candidate 1st year

This is for general information of all candidates who appeared in the Common Entrance Examination 2018 conducted by the Srimanta Sankaradeva Uruversitv of Health Sciences Guwahati for Admission into 1st year Diploma in pharmacy  (D. Pharm) Course in the Institute of Pharmacy attached to Assam Medical Colleges, Dibrugarh / dauhati Medical College, Guwahati and Silchar Medical College, Silchar for the session 2017 that the counseling for selection of candidates of the said course will be held on 25th & 26th September’2018 as per programme  given below.

Candidates must bring with them all original testimonials i.e. Marks sheets of 10+2, Admit card of HSLC examination, Pass Certificates, PRC, Caste certificates and other relevant documents including Admit Card of Common Entrance Examination-2O18


Date of Counseling:   25th Sep-2018

  • All candidates secured Rank 1 to 280
    (B) All candidates who have applied under Physically Handicapped Quota

Date of Counseling:   26th Sep-2018

(C) Candidates belonging to OBC/ MOBC Category Rank 281 to 534
(D) Candidates belonging to SCHEDULE CAS-TE category Rank 281 to 1046
(E) Candidates belonging to ST(P) category Rank 281 to 809
(F) Candidates belonging to ST (H) category Rank281 to1675
(G) Candidates belonging to.TGL/Ex-TGL Category Rank 281 to 1423
(H) Candidates belonging to Char Area Quota Rank 281to 312

Venue of Counseling:
Office of the Director of Medical Education, Assam Sixmile, KhanaPara, Guwahati -22

Time of Counseling :
At 10.30 a.m.

Download:   https://dme.assam.gov.in/sites/default/files/swf_utility_folder/departments/dme_lipl_in_oid_8/menu/document/Educational%20Notice-Diploma%20in%20Pharmacy%20Course%2C%20Session%2C%202018.pdf