Director of Health Services Recruitment

Director of Health Services Recruitment for Ward boy Ward Girl and Night Chowkidar Total posts 59

Online applications are invited for the following Grade- IV posts in the newly created Model Hospitals of the State under the establishment of the Directorate of Health Services, Assam, as shown below, which will be available at the official website of Directorate of Health Services, Assam ( from 10/11/2018 to 20/11/2018. The number of posts may also increase in different Health Institutions which will be intimated in due course of time.


1. Name of post: Ward Boy
Number of posts: 11 ( SC – 2, ST (P) – 1, ST (H)-1, OBC/MOBC-5 UR-2
Education Qualification: Class VIII Passed
 12000/- Rs. 37500/- + Rs. 3900 Grade pay

2. Name of post: Word Girl
Number of posts: 25 ( SC – 1, ST(P) – 1,ST (H)-1, OBC/MOBC-6 UR – 16.)
Education Qualification: Class VIII Passed
Rs. 12000 to 37500/- Rs. 3900/- Grade pay

3. Name of post: Night Chowkidar For male candidates
Number of posts: 23  (  SC – Nil, ST (P) – 1, ST H) – 2, OBC/MOBC – 8,UR – 12.)
Education Qualification:
Class VIII Passed
Rs. 12000 to 37500/- Rs. 3900/- Grade pay

Candidate must not be less than 18 years and more than 44 years as on 03rd March’ 2018. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST(P)/ST(H) candidates, 3 years for OBC/MOBC and 10 years relaxation to person with disability (DIVYANG). Reservation of physically handicapped person (PWD) will be as per Govt. rule.


How to Apply:
1.  Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms and upload the documents, testimonial available at the official website of Directorate of Health Services, Assam(
2.  The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of
all certificates etc. are to be submitted
3.  02 (two) Copies of recent passport size colour photograph duly self attested.
4.  Birth Certificate for age proof
5. Physically Handicap Certificate (if any).
6.  Pass certificate
7. Caste certificate (where applicable)
8. Permanent Residential Certificate / Domicile Certificate (If any).
9.  Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
10. Detailed list of eligible candidate for each post along with the details of selection test shall be notified in due course of time and shall be displayed in the website (
11. Tie-Breaking of Marks :- In the case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks, for such instance or case, age preference will be given ie candidates older / senior in age will be placed higher in merit.
