Directorate of Museums Assam Recruitment 2020– Application are invited from Indian citizen as defined Article 5 to 8 Constitution of India in the prescribed Standard form as published Assam Gazette Part-IX form the intending eligible candidates for filling up of the Following vacant Grade IV Sanctioned posts under the Directorate of Museums, Assam Ambari Guwahati
Name of post: Grade IV
Total No.of posts: 04
Education Qualification:MinimumĀ VIII Passed and Maximum HSLC Passed
Age: 18 Years to 38 Years, (SC/ST-5 Years and MOBC/OBC 3 Years Relaxation)
Salary: Rs.12,000/- to Rs.37,000/- wit Grade Pay Rs.3,900/-
Apply Mode: Offline
Application Fee: Nil
Directorate of Museums Assam Recruitment
Selection Process:
Written Examination 50 Marks, 90 Min.
Original Documents Verification
Documents Required:
i) Standard form
ii) Self attested Qualification documents, Experience, Cast Certificate, Employment Registration Card, (PRC/Voter ID/ Aadhaar)
iii) Self address Envelope ( 22 cm X 10 cm)
iv) Postal Stamp: Rs.5/-
vi) Recent 3 copies passport size photo
Candidates will have to mention the name of the post applied for the top of the sealed envelope carrying the application form
[button color=”pink” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Job Mela Notification[/button]
How to Apply: Fill up the Standard form with self attested documents and application should be submitted by ordinary post to the Office of the Directorate of Museums Assam, Ambari, Guwahati-781001
Last date: 20-February-2020
[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Notification[/button]
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Standard form[/button]