Online application at are invited from the students of Assam who fulfill the following general criteria for NEC Merit Scholarship
1.The Income ceiling of the beneficiary’s parents/guardian should not exceed Rs. 4.5 Lacs per annum. An income certificate original from competent authority must be submitted with hard copy of application.
2. The minimum qualifying marks to apply for the Scholarship shall be 70% in PCM/PCB for General/OBC/MOBC and 60% in PCM/ PCB for SC/ST candidates in the relevant qualifying examination for Diploma, Degree and Post Graduate courses.
3. The candidate must have a valid Bank Account (Preferably in SBI) and details to be Submitted along with the application. (Bank name, A/c No., Branch Name and IFS Code)
4. The NEC Merit Scholarship to be disbursed through DBT system to the beneficiaries
5. The stipend and book grants are open only to a candidate who is at permanent resident of State of Assam. The Residential Proof/ Certificate should be issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the district. Certificate from any other authority will not be accepted. However, for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe applicants, the Caste certificate issued by the competent authority may be considered as P.R.C.
6.The candidate should posses the relevant qualification from any recognized Institution. A copy of certificate front the Institution of Study must be submitted by the candidate.
7. The student must not be in receipt of any other financial assistance from any other sources. A sponsored candidate under full employment during the period of Study shall not be eligible to receive the stipend. An undertaking is to be submitted by the candidate that he/she has not avail any other scholarship other than NEC Merit Scholarship.
8. Financial assistance of Stipend/Book-Grants shall be admissible to students taking admission in to the 1st year/entry level of the courses as shown below during the year 2018-19 specified in the list of subject and courses in all institutes recognized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development/respective Ministry of the Govt. of India.
9. The Stipend/Book-Grant shall be tenable for the prescribed duration of a course. A student failing to pass in a particular year shall not receive further stipend till he/she passes the specific year of the course. The Institution shall certify to that effect and make specific recommendation there to.
10. Candidates holding service are not covered by this scheme.
11. A Non-duplication Certificate as prescribed in the application form to be duly signed by the competent authority in every case.
12. Selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit in all cases and also to be restricted as per budget allocation of NEC.
13. Aadhaar card number must be submitted with the hard copy. If Aadhaar number is not available options are a) Electors photo identity card b) Indian Passport c) Photo ID card issued by Central Govt or State Govt. d) Photo ID issued by Educational Institute (for student) e) certificate issued by Bank that should be duly attested containing applicants photo and Bank Account number.
Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC
Reservations shall be as per norms followed by Government
How to apply:
Intending candidates must apply online at in between 16th October 2018 to 15th November, 2018 and take print out after online submission, and submit it to the Principal/ Head of the Institution, along with the necessary copy of certificates/ testimonials. The Principal/Head of the Institution are to send the documents to The Director of Technical Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati 781019 on or before 30th November, 2018 positively.
Online Start: 16-10-2018
Last date : 15-11-2018
Official Notification:
Apply here: