School of Nursing Oil Duliajan GNM Nursing Admission 2021 – Oil India Limited (OIL) released a notice admission notice for GNM Course 2021-22 in School of Nursing, Oil India Hospital, Duliajan
School of Nursing Oil Duliajan GNM Nursing Admission 2021
Oil Duliajan GNM Entrance Test Syllabus
The Entrance Test will comprise of 100 Multiple choice question (MCQ) and shall be set from course Class X Covering
Total Marks: 100
Total question: 100
Duration of Test: 2 hours
The question will be in English Language
(a) General knowledge, General awareness, Popular Science- 25 marks
(b) General English- 25 marks
(c) General Mathematics- 25
(d) General Science-25.
Name of Course: GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery)
Duration of course: 3 Years
Academic Session: 2021-22
No of seats: 30
Name of Institute: School of Nursing ,Oil India Hospital Duliajan
Note: Eligibility criteria & Course details updated from last year official notification, when official notification published than details will be updated
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