Sub Divisional Welfare Officer Hailakandi scheme

Sub Divisional Welfare Officer Hailakandi scheme – Apply in prescribed form

Sub Divisional Welfare Officer Hailakandi scheme -Applications are hereby invited in the prescribed form from the deserving people belonging to Schedule Caste & Other Backward Classes community of Hailakandi district for the under mention scheme for the year 2019-20

Sub Divisional Welfare Officer Hailakandi scheme

Category: Scheduled Caste
Name of the Scheme:

2 HP Flour Mill (Pulverizer)        30
Drinking Water Filter.              925
Bio-Organic Soil enricher.  345
5 HP Disel Engine Pum Set.  53

 Category: Other Backward Classes
Name of the Scheme:
Bio-Organic Soil enricher.  683
Drinking Water Filter.        409
Solar Home Lighting System 43

The prescribed application form for the above mention scheme may be obtained from the office of the undersigned during the office hours on working days.
The duly filled in application form of the above mentioned scheme should be submitted to the undersigned along with particulars as given below by 25th June 2021 positively. No application will be entertained after last date i.e. 25th June 2021.

Sub Divisional Welfare Officer Hailakandi scheme

1. 2 HP Flour Mill (Pulverizer)
  i) Joint application in plain paper by the Members of the users groups ( Users groups comprising at least 5 members in each group)
  ii) An undertaking between members of the users groups for smooth functioning of the business.
 iii) A copy of recent passport size photograph of each beneficiary of the group.
  iv) Copy of caste certificate (S. C) issued by the component authority.
 v) Xerox copy of Voter copy must be submitted.

. Documents required for all others scheme
 i) 2 copies of Pass Port size Photographs
  ii) Voter ID Cards
iii) Caste Certificate
 iv) Certificate /Card establishing identity as Farmer (Only for 5 SHP Disel Engine Pum Set)