Cash Award for students 2018

The department of Education BTC, Kokrajhar has announced the cash awarda &Incentives to the meritorious students of the BTAD area as follows:


1. Rs. 2.00 lac (Rupee two lakhs) only will be awarded to each Rank/Potion holder HSLC/AHM and HSSLC Final Examination 2018 from SEBA and AHSEC

2. Rs. 2.00 lac (Rupee two lakhs) only will be awarded to each students who get admission in IIT, IIM and Medical students  MBBS/BDS in the year 2018

3. Rs. 1.00 lac (Rupee one lakhs) only will be awarded to each students getting admission in NIT, 2018

4. Rs. 1.00 lac (Rupee 1 lakhs) only will be provided to each students who gets admission for perusing ph.D, 2018

5. Students who qualify UPSC Preliminary Examination will be given 1.00 lac each for preparation of Main Examination 2018

6. 25 nos. of Candidates will selected who are intending to join UPSC Coaching (Civil Service Examination) in Delhi will be given Rs. 3.00 lac only as cash award.

7. 1 (one) Schooty will be provided to 100 Girls Students of BPL families pursuing degree course who has secured 60% and avobe in HSSLC ( Council) and whose home is 10 K.M to 30 K.M. away from college. They will be selected on merits basis. The students must be stdying in college of BTC area

8. Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupee ten thousand) only and 15,000.00 (Rupee fifteen thousand) only will be given cash award to students who secured 75% to 84% and above in HSLC/AHM Examination SEBA 2018

How to apply:

(a) For SI.No 1,7 & 8 the candidates have to apply in the prescribed format available in the office of the Inspector of schools of respective district and have to submit within one month.

(b) For SI.No 2,3,4,5, and 6 the candidates have to apply with relevant documents to the
Director of Education , BTC, Kokrajhar within one month.

(c) The last date of submission of application is 16-10-2018 alongwith other relevant papers /prescribed format. In case of Govt. holiday and bondh call by organization falls on that day next working day will be accepted upto 3.00 P.M.