Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute Recruitment 2018 for various post

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from Indian citizens for the following contractual posts at Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute, Regional Cancer Centre, Guwahati-781016, Assam, India.

1. Name of Post: IT Network Engineer
No. of posts: 01 (one)

Education Qualification:
B.E. / B.Tech in computer science OR equivalent with minimum 50% marks from Govt. recognized university. Candidate should have minimum one year hands on work experience in configuration / trouble shooting /
maintaining, managing PC’s, servers, various network equipments leased line connectivity etc., Skill on operation and administration of IBM i-series server is advantageous.

Below 30 years (relax able in exceptional cases).


2. Name of Post: Computer Programmer
No. of posts:
01 (one)

Education Qualification:
B.E. / B.Tech in computer science OR MCA with minimum 50% marks from Govt. recognized university. Candidate should have minimum one year programming experience in client server environment using visual basic / NET technology in developing / maintenance of software. Candidate must also have good practical knowledge of databases. Web Technology / Web Technology / Web development tools, skills on ASP / VB script. Java script, AS/400, DB2 etc. is advantageous

Below 30 years (relax able in exceptional cases).


Interested and eligible candidates may submit their application in prescribed proforma to
The Director, Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Gopinath Nagar, A. K. Azad Road, Guwahati-781016, Assam on or before 06.11.2018

Advertisement: http://bbcionline.org/pdf/15102018/adv-IT-staff.pdf